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Why & When Vaccinate Pets

Why & When Vaccinate Pets

It is important to have your pets vaccinated but you may be wondering why and when you need to do it. Today, our Wellesley-Natick Veterinary Hospital vets will explain the importance of vaccinations and when to get them.

Here is some insightful information from our vets at Wellesley-Natick Veterinary Hospital  to answer your questions about the safety of pet vaccines and their necessity to keep pets healthy.

  • Vaccinations are the best weapon against many viral and bacterial infections in pets.
  • Millions of dogs & cats have been saved by vaccines.
  • Pet vaccines help spread diseases between pets and other pets and pets and humans.
  • Vaccines help your pet live a longer, healthier, and happier life.
  • Vaccinations prevent incurable diseases such as canine distemper that can lead to seizures or death.
  • Rabies vaccination is required by state law.
  • Dogs that visit dog parks, go into the woods, or stay at pet boarding facilities may need extra protection and vaccines.
  • Vaccinating your pet as a puppy or kitten while its immune system is still young and developing will give your pet the protection it needs to stay healthy. Keeping up to date with your pet’s annual/scheduled vaccines while they grow is vital to their health and even the health of other pets and people in our community.

Pet Vaccinations

During an appointment, our veterinarians will provide you with vaccine education, and discuss topics like scheduling booster shots, the importance of returning annually, your pet’s history, lifestyle, the prevalence of disease, your travel plans, and dog park protocol.

Required or Recommended Vaccines for Cats and Dogs

Vaccines required or recommended for the majority of dogs include (not all-inclusive):

  • Rabies – Rabies vaccination is required by state law
  • Canine distemper
  • Canine parvo
  • Canine leptospirosis
  • Canine hepatitis
  • Canine Influenza “Canine Flu”
  • Parainfluenza
  • Bordetella “Kennel Cough” – if dogs stay at boarding or grooming facilities

Vaccines required or recommended for the majority of cats include (not all-inclusive):

  • Rabies – Rabies vaccination is required by state law
  • Feline rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia (FVRCP) – Feline Herpes 1
  • Feline leukemia
  • Feline pneumonitis (chlamydia)
  • Bordetella “Kennel Cough” – if dogs stay at boarding or grooming facilities

If your pet needs to be vaccinated, contact our Wellesley-Natick Veterinary Hospital vets today for an appointment.

New Patients Welcome

Wellesley-Natick Veterinary Hospital is accepting new patients! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of Natick companion animals. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

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